Saturday, December 31, 2005

Year In Review: 2005

Sorry I haven't written in here for a while. Winter vacation is very boring and I'm ancy.

I suppose I should write a little something just round the year off.

So, here's my year in review.

* Started the year in a relationship and ending it in a relationship... just not with the same guy.

* Learned who my true friends are and I want to thank them for standing behind me 100 percent!

* Turned 24... I got screwed over by a friend who said he'd be there and by the PF Changs people. Oh well. Had fun getting drunk and NOT having to drive my own drunk ass home.

* Dated people I probably shouldn't have dated in the first place. You know... the ones that were too young (Justin), too freaky for words (Ben), like to make excuses to have their cherry popped (I think his name was Brian... yeah... don't care), etc.

* Went to the Philippines for a whole month and learned not to assume anything.

*Decided not to go to law school. Sure, this may seem indecisive on my part, but in reality during my year off from everything, I thought about it and decided I want to go to nursing school instead.

* A couple of my friends got married this year and made me wonder if I'll ever get that chance. But I did meet some new people in the process.

* My cousin turned 21. I totally missed what happened at the Flying Saucer because of a stupid ass who needed to be picked up from the airport.

* Went back to school. Yeah... that was fun.

* Met a totally awesome guy. We may have had our ups and downs, but we're still hanging on.

* Malibu sucks... period!! He just drives me nuts like no other. Anything to get my attention, right?

* Learned to knit. Hey... it's actually fun and the only resolution I've kept this year.

Anyway... I guess that's it. More updates later.


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